Pergas welcome volunteers involvement of different religions: Ustaz Mizi
The involvement of various volunteers represents Pergas’ belief in continuing to work with various walks of life.
The involvement of various volunteers represents Pergas’ belief in continuing to work with various walks of life.
Download This Article SYNOPSIS This commentary on Ustaz Kamal Mokhtar’s article[1] on the ruling of Singapore Government Savings Bonds (“SSB”) serves to raise awareness amongst Singaporean asatizah[2] and the general public on the
“..di sebalik kisah ini terdapat pelbagai pengajaran yang dapat kita jadikan sebagai panduan dan teladan terutama sekali bagi pemimpin keluarga dalam mencorak sebuah keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmah.”
Download This Article Dr. Hazik Mohamed, Fazrihan Duriat[1], Syed Muhammad Alsagoff & Ilham Sanusi Money comprises of three basic functions: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a
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