
Ensure your loved ones are given the best when you depart from this world. Get your wasiat written at FSAC today.

“Ayuh Berwasiat… Hasrat Tersirat, Sudah Tersurat”

About i-Wasiat

We provide Islamic Wasiat Writing Service that is in line with Shariah and Singapore Law; specially crafted for every client.

Our trained and experienced consultants will guide you through your Islamic wasiat writing.

At Financial Shariah Advisory & Consultancy (FSAC), we ensure that our clients have an ease of mind when it comes to planning for their estate to be distributed to their loved ones.

Benefits & Advantages of Wasiat


Our Services

Hibah Drafting

Wasiat & Hibah Drafting

Hibah/wasiat document tailored to your requirement in accordance with Shariah

Witness Service

Include us as a witness in your wasiat document

Custodian Service

Coming Soon

Asset Computation / Faraid Report

Report on the amount of faraid to be distributed

Ready to draft your wasiat? Register today!


  • The assets are frozen upon death
  • The assets will be distributed according to faraid and you are not able to gift we chose to
  • The process to liquidate, administrate and distribute will be tedious
  • Testator (Pewasiat) – A person who creates a will
  • Executor (Wasi) – A person is appointed by the testator to administer his estate and distribute the wealth in accordance to the beneficiaries stated in the wasiat
  • Beneficiary (Benefisiari) –  A person who will receive assets/gifts as nominated by the testator
  • Guardian (Penjaga) – An appointed person who become legal guardians to the testator’s children if they are still infants

Under the Singapore law, the testator must be at least 21 years old to write a will

The executor administers the testator’s estate upon his death. He or she needs to locate the wasiat, apply for the Grant of Probate, retrieve the assets and clear any expenses or debt first before distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries as nominated in the wasiat

The wasiat is executed upon the death of the testator

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168 Changi Road

#04-02, Paradise@Pergas

Singapore 419730

For any enquiries, email us at info@pergasinvestment.sg or call 9100 4251/9022 5179